Announcements / Notifications
This is to notify all concerned agencies regarding the disposal of waste (religious items/statues) into the water bodies during the celebration of Vishwakarma puja. The disposal of waste into the environment is against the National Environmental Protection Act 2007, the Waste Prevention and Management Act of Bhutan 2009, and the Water Act of Bhutan 2011.
With the upcoming festival of Vishwakarma Puja on 17th September 2022, the ritual items/statues are indiscriminately disposed of in the water bodies (rivers and streams) which causes irreversible impacts on the environment and human health. Therefore, the import of such ritual items/statues shall be discouraged to reduce the impact caused by such practices in the country. In this regard, NECS would like to remind all the central and local government agencies to identify an appropriate site to dispose of the ritual items/statues and monitor the illegal dumping of waste into the non-identified site with immediate effect.
NECS solicits your kind support and cooperation as always.