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The Department of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources coordinated its 1stCoordination meeting of the Environment Officers. The coordination meetings will be conducted regularly to ensure a unified approach to environment protection across the country, efficient environmental service delivery, effective waste management & observation of Zero-waste, development of capabilities and competencies of the EOs and resolve coordination issues.
The meeting did a candid sharing of what DECC should start doing, stop doing, do more and do less. The data from today’s exercise will be compiled and analyzed to shape the development of Environment & Climate Change Strategy, 13th FYP planning and identification of key performance indicators. The EOs passionately shared on how may we-protect our environment better, mainstream waste management and environmental protection at the local level, improve our service delivery, harness the use of technology and build expertise and competency of the EOs. EOs also expressed the need for such coordination meetings for regular communication channels so all officers can stay up to date with the latest developments and initiatives.
In today’s meeting the DG also took the opportunity to introduce herself to the team and assured leadership to support and build a stronger team founded on trust, collaboration, transparency and meritocracy.
The meeting started at 9.30 AM and adjourned at 12 Noon.The next Coordination Meeting will follow-up on today’s discussion.