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E-flow Project – Final Phase: Handing-Taking of Field Gear and Equipment
The handing-taking of field gear and equipment for the project ‘Study on Minimum Environmental Flow for Hydropower Projects in Bhutan – Final Phase” was conducted on July 1, 2021 at the National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) office. The handing-taking was from the Austrian Coordination Office, represented by the Head of Office, to the NECS, represented by Hon’ble Secretary.
The E-flow project is funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and is implemented by the NECS in collaboration with key stakeholders, from November 2019 to April 2022.
The project is focused on institutionalization of E-Flow assessment and monitoring through development of a module for integration into the existing curricula of institutes; integration of
the E-Flow guideline into the hydropower detailed project report and guidelines; and development of guideline for beyond run of the river hydropower schemes.
The field gear and office equipment procured will be distributed to the Multi Stakeholder Task Force of the project, including eight agencies and four institutions. The field gear will enable undertaking of field assessments, which are an integral part of the E-flow study. Furthermore, it will also benefit the stakeholders in their respective agency and institutional activities.
The handing-taking served as an opportunity to highlight the robust and cordial Austria-Bhutan relationship.