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Write-shop for development of Sandbox project proposal under the Water Roadmap
Published on: 12-Aug-2022

As per the Royal Command, the Water Resources Coordination Division of National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) conducted a write-shop from August 8-12, 2022 in Thimphu to develop a Sandbox project proposal to pilot the implementation under the Water Roadmap. The roadmap was drafted under auspices of His Majesty’s vision of creating a vibrant water economy through effective governance, prudent investment in infrastructure and human capital, and leveraging on creating a disruptive technology. All these aspirations gears towards ensuring social security, economic sustainability and environmental integrity. The roadmap was developed using the Governance, Economy and Management approach identifying five thematic areas where ‘Good governance’ is identified as a basis for ‘Human resource development’ which in-turn is supplemented by ‘Innovation and technology’ bringing in ‘Performance excellence’ leading to ‘Economic transformation’ ultimately.

During the write-shop, the Working Group agreed on the sites for pilot implementation, detail out the key issues, outcomes and outputs of the proposal, propose interventions to address the missues, as well as develop implementation and monitoring plan for project sustainability and replication to other areas.

The write-shop was attended by officials from the Department of Agriculture, Department of Forest and Park Services, Department of Livestock, Department of Engineering Services, Department of Human Settlement, Department of Industries, Thimphu Thromde, Tourism Coun
