Project Details
Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission and Climate Resilient Strategy (LTS).
Background/Objectives: The Paris Agreement has set the collective goal to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. This will require global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and a rapid reduction to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions and removals by sinks in the second half of the century. In accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement, Parties are encouraged to communicate LTS in the light of different national circumstances.
In order to fulfill the commitment to remain carbon neutral and meet reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, Bhutan is initiating the process of formulating a Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategy (LTS). The proposed LTS will enhance the existing National Strategy and Action Plan 2012, taking into consideration socio-economic development, updated information and new international mechanisms to develop strategies and recommendations up to 2050. It will also encompass the vulnerability of the country to climate change and propose adaptation interventions to enhance resilience as Bhutan’s economy is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts and could have a negative feedback on the development gains in Bhutan.
Therefore, the LTS will also provide strategic guidance to low carbon and climate resilient development to realize the goals and objectives of the Climate Change Policy.
Stakeholders: Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat, Department of Agriculture, Department of Livestock, Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Department of Local Governance, Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, Department of Human Settlement, Department of Industries, National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology, National Commission for Women and Children, Road Safety and Transport Authority, Department of Renewable Energy, National Statistics Bureau, Tarayana Foundation, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Bhutanese Industries, Ministry of Information and Communication and Department of Forest and Park Services.
Stakeholders: Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat, Department of Agriculture, Department of Livestock, Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Department of Local Governance, Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, Department of Human Settlement, Department of Industries, National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology, National Commission for Women and Children, Road Safety and Transport Authority, Department of Renewable Energy, National Statistics Bureau, Tarayana Foundation, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Bhutanese Industries, Ministry of Information and Communication and Department of Forest and Park Services.